In this course, you will learn how to build websites like this using WordPress and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack.
Specifically, you will learn
- How to buy a domain and host it on GoDaddy.
- How to install WordPress and
- choose a theme
- add, modify, delete pages
- create menus and organize pages under them
- …
- How to use cPanel to manage (upload, download, edit, …) files.
- What is PHP and how it can be used in HTML files before sending them to the client.
- What are GET/POST methods and how they are used to fetch/submit information from/to the server.
- How to troubleshoot issues using Apache logs.
- How to setup MySQL database, create tables, choose data types for columns, keys, constraints, etc
- How to read/write from/to MySQL database from PHP using PDO.
To inquire further or undergo this training, please register.