Marriage & Kids

What habits do happy couples have?

What is the right age to get married?

Do you regret your marriage, and why?

What is your favourite colour and why?

What makes a woman worth marrying?

Can love happen in arranged marriages?

What is something that needs to be said?

What are the best ways to raise smart kids?

How is the life of a woman without marriage?

What do you love the most about your spouse?

What is the biggest flaw in arranged marriages?

What’s something that sucks about being a man?

How do you raise your kid to be an entrepreneur?

What is one thing that I can learn from you today?

Is a wife considered to be a property of her husband?

What is it that nobody tells you about having children?

Why do Asian marriages last longer than Western ones?

What are life skills, and why should children know them?

Why do people get married? Why is marriage important?

Which is better: an arranged marriage or a love marriage?

Does couple counselling really help in struggling marriages?

What are the pros and cons of marrying a software engineer?

Does an early marriage kill your potential to achieve more in life?

What would you consider the best achievement of your life so far?

How did pre-marriage counselling help you build a better marriage?

What lessons did you learn from your wife in your married life so far?

How do I decide who is the right life partner in an arranged marriage?

Why are Indian marriages (both arranged and love) failing these days?

What do you most attribute for the success or failure of your marriage?

Why do you think people nowadays are reluctant to have their second child?

My girlfriend asked me during a fight what I find unattractive about her. I gave her an honest answer. Now she’s angry at me. Did I do anything wrong?

I feel that I deserve a better match than the one which my parents found through arranged marriage but I am shy and not able to find an appropriate match in office or social circles?

I am totally against a big fat Indian wedding. I’m planning my wedding for sometime around next year. I want my wedding to be as unique and as simple as possible with no grand gestures, costing very minimally. What are some ideas?

My youngest sister (8th grader) has been struggling with math this semester (Algebra). Our parents are pressuring her to get better grades. I have tried to tutor her but she wants me to do all the work. How can I help her if she won’t do the work?